Sunday, December 26, 2010

do you want to Lose Inches Off Your Waist Fast??

Do you want to FINALLY lose inches off your waist fast? Do you want to also make this happen without having to do anything dangerous or expensive? Read on for 2 awesome tips that helped me along my journey to get in amazing shape in just around 2 months time... easily, consistently, naturally, and permanently!
1. Gain Muscle! Now, I'm not talking about becoming as big as Ronnie Coleman here, I'm simply talking about just building lean muscle tissue. And ladies, don't' worry, by you lifting weights, you are NOT going to become huge (unless you are taking performance enhancing drugs)!

The reason it is so important to build muscle tissue (besides looking sexy and toned) is because just ONE POUND of muscle mass can burn up to 15 calories a day on AUTOPILOT!
The best workouts I recommend for building muscle are either compound weight training (working multiple muscles at one time), body-weight workouts, or resistance band workouts (resistance bands are also great for stress relief and they are of course very affordable).
2. Stay Away From These Foods As Much As Possible! The types of foods that I strongly recommend you either reduce or stay away from as much as possible are canned, frozen, process, and packaged foods (including those so-called healthy pre-packaged monthly meal programs).
Those types of foods are unhealthy and are usually loaded with sodium. With the exceptions of frozen chicken, fish, veggies, and fruits, I strongly recommend you decrease your consumption of these foods.
Processed foods (most junk foods and canned foods) are very difficult for your body to process and this means that your body will retain the calories from these foods as fat since it has nothing else to do with them!
Some of the consequences of eating these types of foods are you feeling bloated, developing digestive problems, storing calories as fat, decreased energy, retaining harmful toxins in your body, and more.
What I recommend you do instead is to try to eat as much fresh, natural, and raw foods as possible.
Now, if you want to increase your fat burning ability, and Melt Away Fat faster than ever (naturally lose up to 15 pounds of fat every 2 weeks), then there is an amazing fat loss secret you must know that will SKYROCKET your metabolism to the maximum peak.

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