Saturday, December 11, 2010

How To Eat Properly While On A Diet

When on a diet, you need to learn how to eat properly. This isn't the food you are eating but literally changing the way you eat so that you can get better results.
When most people are on a diet, they think about the foods they are eating as well as how much of the food to eat. Most don't think about how to eat food since it's so natural. While it might sound strange, eating your food differently can help you have more success on a diet. Find out what to do and why it works this way.
You need to chew your food better and eat more slowly. This will break down the food more meaning you can absorb more of the nutrients in the food. When your body gets what it needs, it will be less hungry. Also eating slowly ensures that you will feel fuller once you are done eating the meal.
Drink water before and after you eat your meals. This will also leave you feeling fuller once you are done. You will have less hunger this way as water is known to suppress your appetite.
When you eat, just focus on the food you are eating. Don't have other things around that are distracting you from eating. There are studies that have shown that you will feel fuller after a meal focusing on each bite. When distracted you end up not paying attention to your meals and may even eat more than you need.
If you are hungry after a snack or meal, give yourself at least 20 minutes before eating something else. There is a delay between feeling full and your brain recognizing this. Give yourself time for that delay to catch up with itself.
Give into your cravings but don't go overboard. If you want some chocolate, put it into your daily eating plan. Get some chocolate and really enjoy it. This will help curb the craving. If in total denial of cravings, you will hit a breaking point and might give in too much.
By seAn jordan.

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