Saturday, January 1, 2011

18 Ways to Stick to Your Goals

You get to the gym and realize you don't have your sports bra.

Make these adjustments for a workout in your regular bra.
Cardio: If you're an A cup, you can still run, says Andrea Metcalf, a fitness instructor in Chicago. If you're a B cup, stick to the elliptical machine or walking. "Raise the incline to amp up the intensity," Metcalf says. C cups and larger: Get your heart going with the stationary bike.
Group class: Yoga and Pilates remain on the menu whatever the size of your assets. You can also modify a circuit class, swapping jumping jacks, say, for squats or lunges.
 "You'll be able to get your heart rate up without the impact by using the biggest muscles in the body," Metcalf explains.
Strength training: You should have no trouble making the rounds in the weight room. Carry on.
You had a lot of wine last night, and now it's time for your early a.m. workout.
It ain't gonna be pretty, but if you can make it through your sweat session, you'll actually feel better. "You'll be sweating out the acetaldehyde, the by-product of alcohol breaking down in your liver that contributes to a hangover," says Carlton Erickson, PhD, a research scientist at the University of Texas at Austin. Next time you have a drink too many, gulp down a few glasses of water before going to bed and take an ibuprofen to ward off a headache. "Prevention is a lot more effective than dealing with it after the fact," Erickson says. In the morning, do a lighter workout than usual. If you're nauseous, though, stay in bed. Sleep is going to do you a lot more good.
You're traveling light. (Pay extra to check luggage? You don't think so.) But now there's no room for your sneakers.
Time away from home doesn't have to mean taking time off from exercise. There are plenty of ways to work up a sweat barefoot and without ever leaving your hotel room.
Strike a pose: Sun salutations include a sequence of yoga poses that stretch and strengthen your major muscle groups. "Doing three to five rounds of the poses will really get your blood pumping," Metcalf says.
Dance your booty off: Pop on your headphones or crank up the hotel radio and shimmy and shake your way around the room for 10 to 15 minutes, suggests Jeanette Jenkins, a FITNESS advisory board member. Don't worry, no one's watching!
Pack a DVD: If you're schlepping a laptop, bring a workout DVD that doesn't require equipment, such as Jenkins's Kickboxing Bootcamp. "It's a high-intensity routine, but there's no jumping in it," she says. "It can definitely be done without shoes."
Your lunchtime workout got derailed.
You're pumped for your fave cardio class, but your boss suddenly needs five minutes, which inevitably becomes a half hour and KOs your plan. Instead, do these moves right at your desk, in your regular clothes. Run through the routine below once or twice for a 10- to 20-minute workout.
Knee Lift
Targets: Abs and quads

1. Sit near edge of chair and hold armrests or seat for support.
2. Lean back 45 degrees and bring knees to chest.
3. Slowly extend legs diagonally upward; hold for a count of 5.
4. Bring knees back to chest and return feet to floor.
5. Do 15 to 20 reps.
Diagonal Chop
Targets: Upper back, shoulders, biceps, and obliques

1. Sit in chair, holding your purse with both hands near right hip, torso rotated to right.
2. Rotating torso to left, raise arms diagonally upward to hold purse above left shoulder.
3. Return to start to complete 1 rep.
4. Do 12 to 15 reps; switch sides.
Wall Squat
Targets: Quads and calves

1. Stand with back against wall, feet hip-width apart about 2 feet from wall.
2. Cross arms in front of chest and relax shoulders.
3. Bend knees until thighs are almost parallel to floor.
4. Hold for 1 to 2 minutes.
5. Make it harder: Press back and upper arms into wall to work core and triceps.
Reverse Plank
Targets: Triceps, abs, butt, and hamstrings

1. Sit near edge of chair, grasp sides of seat with hands, and straighten legs in front of you, feet together and flat on floor.
2. Straighten arms and lift hips until body forms a line from head to toe.
3. Hold for a count of 3; lower to seat.
4. Do 12 to 15 reps.

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