Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Why Losing Weight in the Winter Is Difficult‏

There are many reasons why we gain weight during the winter months and it's not too much of a problem. This winter has been especially cold, so we can expect to gain more weight than normal this year.
We gain weight during the winter months because our bodies use the fat we store for warmth and energy. Many people gain 20-25 pounds during the winter and yet fail to lose half of that during the spring and summer. Being consistent with any diet is very important.
Fat Loss Factor will give you the tools you need to maintain a healthy weight during the winter months as well as helping you lose any excess weight gain during warmer months. It's a fact that during the winter we exercise less and eat more. It's just too cold sometimes to be going to the gym and working out and we all get a really bad case of the don't-wants when it's cold. We do however tend to do more cooking at home during the winter which is good. This serves 2 purposes. 1) We eat a home cooked meal and 2) it helps warm up the house. If you cook at home you have to know what foods will help you burn fat but still help you maintain a healthy weight for the winter months.
Since Fat Loss Factor was developed by a nutritionist, who else would know better on what our bodies need for the different seasons? Fat Loss Factor is the only diet I have seen that breaks the diet down by seasons for the best in overall weight maintenance. It gives you what foods to eat during the winter to maintain your fat for energy and warmth but then gives you what foods you need during the warmer months to lose the excess weight.
Fat Loss Factor is the ONLY diet plan that allows for weight gain when it's necessary. Many people like the cooler weather to start a diet and that's fine. But are they just following a diet plan without exercise? If so, you're pretty much wasting your time. Diet helps but you still have to exercise. Doesn't matter if it's walking the dog, cleaning house (which can be a major workout by itself), or just washing dishes.
Any movement can be considered an exercise. Sounds stupid? It's not. A body that tends to be in motion stays in motion. Now during the winter that seems to be slowed down a whole lot because it's so cold. But if you just move around the house cleaning, you'll get a little of the exercise you need to help yourself lose weight.

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